Kavithalaya to produce 'Kattupaya'?

Director Tharun Gopi's maiden venture as hero is in the film 'Kattupaya' and is expected to go to the floors very soon. He joins the long list of directors who have taken to acting.

The recent successes of Sundar C, Cheran and S J Suryah have propelled many to follow them. Tharun Gopi is one among them.

Tharun had rendered films like 'Thimiru' and 'Kaalai' earlier. His third directorial venture will feature himself in the lead role. The script is ready and the shooting is expected to commence very soon.

Rumors are doing the rounds that K Balachander's Kavithalaya, is impressed with the script and has reportedly taken the mantle of producing the film.

The co-producers of 'Kuselan', Kavithalaya, is currently producing films including the Arjun starrer 'Thiruvannamalai', and 'Krishnaleelai' with Jeevan in the lead role.


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