Gaudugali Kumara Rama Movie Reviews


Gaudugali Kumara Rama Review

Without the past the pursued future has no meaning. We are all citizens of history. When we look at the unsung heroes of our history making a historical film, showcasing it in visual media is a delectable piece of work. That is done by M.S.R.Chitralaya in 'Gandugali Kumara Rama'. This is a gloriously made film with many elements well stored and very well enacted by lead stars.

The life story of 'Gandugali Kumara Rama' is set in the period of 13th and 14th century. In the Kampli kingdom of Kammatadurga the valiant son of Kampila king is the protagonist of the film. He is the perfect gentleman. Firstly he lives on the principles. He likes the integration and caste and creed is not in his dictionary. His warrior nature earns laurels from him. When it comes to family front he is in deep love with Rathna a tribal girl. The shocking development for Kumarama Rama is when his father lusty Kampila decides to marry Rathna without his knowledge appeasing Rathna's father to care of his people who are in bad shape in life. Kumara Rama swallows the situation with height of dignity. Rathna is not happy with this proposal but the situation demands her to accept elderly Kampila as her husband. The lover becomes 'Chikkamma' (Mother's sister) for Kumara Rama. The first of wife Kampila, mother of Kumara Rama knows the heart burns of her son and she ask him to marry Ramale daughter of the minister. The saga of Rathna goes on and one fine day she decides to teach Kumara Rama a lesson. Rathana not ready to share her marital life with king of Kampila force Kumara Rama to accept her as his wife but things go wrong to her calculations. At this time Rathna screams tearing her clothes on body and complains to the king that Kumara Rama has attempted to rape her. In the pent up frustration the King Kampila order for the head of Kumara Rama. What is pathetic is that the senior King does not use his common sense at this stage. He doubts the credibility of his own.

There are some more dramatic developments at this stage of the film as the look like brother of Kumara Rama €“ Channa Rama (also played by Shivarajkumar) comes to the rescue and save his brother from misfortune. Kumara Rama is safeguarded by the minister. For the order made by the king Kampila the head of Channa Rama is placed by the minister. When the Thuglak of Delhi wages a war around this time the valiancy of Kumara Rama surfaces once again. But the deceiving tactics puts an end to the life of Kumara Rama. The Kampila kingdom is set in flames by Tuglak.

In a career spanning almost two decades, right from debut Shivarajkumar has done various kinds of roles. But this is a complete role for him. He shoulders the entire film on him. The dialogue delivery area has been taken care very well by Shivarajkumar. He reminds Dr.Rajkumar of 'Mayoora' and 'Babruvahana' at places.

The great support has come supporting artistes like Srinivasamurthy, Seetha, Avinash, Laya, Anitha, C.R.Simha, Sumithra also.

The musical scores of Gurukiran earn good applause. Three of his six tunes are well tuned and the grandeur required for it very well provided. The cinematography of Rajasthan, Jaipur and other locations is a treat to the eyes. The background music enhances the film's ambience and costumes and art work is spectacular.

This is the 50th directorial venture of senior director Bhargava. He is crystal clear in his thoughts. The absurd part of Kampila king womanizing could have been avoided. When the children ask why a king should go for polygamy what answer we have to give? Our children, the history of future are already spoilt by television rash and reckless style.

'Gandugali Kumara Rama' was high on hype but not low on substance part in the film.

Worth watching!