
Lawyer, Doctor and Clergyman

A dying man gathered his Lawyer, Doctor and Clergyman at his bed side and handed each of them an envelope containing $25,000 in cash.He made…

Miracle Cure

Doctor Bloomfield, who was known for extraordinary treatment of arthritis, had a waiting room full of people when a little old lady, almost bent over in…

The Execution

Once upon a time there lived three men: a doctor, a chemist, and an engineer. For some reason all three offended the king and were sentenced…

Returning Equipment

As the manager of our hospital's softball team, I was responsible for returning equipment to the proper owners at the end of the season.When I…

Good Eyes

Good EyesThis woman rushes to see her doctor, looking very much worried and all strung out. She rattles off, "Doctor, take a look at me.…

The Wife

A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office.After his checkup, the doctor called the wife into his office alone. He said, "Your husband is…

Things you don't want to hear during surgery

Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy.Someone call the janitor - we're going to need a mop."Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord…

It's a very simple operation

A man was wheeling himself frantically down the hall of the hospital in his wheelchair, just before his operation. A nurse stopped him and asked, "What's…

Letter Surgery

Jerry is recovering from day surgery when a nurse asks him how he is feeling."I'm OK but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used…

A lawyer named Strange

A lawyer named Strange died, and his friend asked the tombstone maker to inscribe on his tombstone, "Here lies Strange, an honest man, and a lawyer."…

Two men eating grass by the roadside

One afternoon, a wealthy lawyer was riding in the back of his limousine when he sawtwo men eating grass by the roadside. He ordered his…

Are you talking to me

At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness. "Isn't it true," he bellowed, "that you accepted five thousand dollars to…

A Very Busy Lawyer

Joe grew up in a small town, then moved away to attend college and law school. He decided to come back to the small town because…

Question and answer

Q: What do have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in wet cement? A: Not enough cement. Q: Did you hear they just…

A doctor and a lawyer met at a party

A doctor and a lawyer met at a party. Their conversation was interrupted repeatedly by guests asking the doctor for medical advice. Finally, the exasperated doctor…