Karuvepalli (Curry Leaves) Kozambhu Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Easy
Occasion Dinner Party, Party
Recipe Type Breakfast, Dinner
Cuisine South Indian

Curry leaves is very essential ingredient in Indian cooking. It gives nice aroma as well as good taste to most of the food varieties. It contains lot of iron and is very good for our health. If we use it for garnishing or seasoning, we won’t eat it. But if we use it as main ingredient, we are sure to intake this healthy ingredient. We can prepare curry leaves powder for rice, idly and dosas. You can also make curry leaves thuvayal, kuzhambu etc. Karuvepillain kuzhambu is a type of pathiya kuzhambu. After delivery, this kuzhambu with reduced spice level is good for ladies. Now we are going to learn how to make karuvepillai kuzhambu.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Curry Leaves 1 cup 27.39
Tamarind 5.5 teaspoon 60.72 0.11
Red Chili 6 nos 43.2 0.42
Urad Dal 2 teaspoon 12.8 0.48
Mustard 0.25 teaspoon 1.68 0.1
Asafoetida 1 pinch 2 0.01
Salt 5.5 teaspoon 0
Oil 1 teaspoon 80.64 11.33 0
228.43 12.45 0

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Fry Urad Dal, Red Chilies and Asafoetida powder in Oil.
  2. 2 Wet grind the above mixture with Curry Leaves, Tamarind, and Salt.
  3. 3 BOil the above with 2 to 4 cups of Water.
  4. 4 Heat some Oil in a pan, splutter Mustard and add this to the sambhar.