Bombay Chicken and Rice Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Moderately easy
Occasion Dinner Party, Bonefire Party
Recipe Type Lunch, Dinner
Cuisine West India

A recipe for Bombay Chicken and Rice. Follow the simple recipe instructions for Bombay Chicken and Rice shared by other home cooking experts.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Uncooked Long-Grain White Rice 1 cup 369.5 1
Mixed Dried Fruit 170 gram 413.1
Onion 0.5 cup 32 0.08
Sugar 1.5 teaspoon 46.44
Salt 1 teaspoon
Water 2 cup
Chicken 3 pound 2245.29 47.64 11.58
Butter 2 tablespoon 476.66 53.92 1.4
Curry powder 4 teaspoon 71.68 3.08
Paprika 0.5 teaspoon 2.94 0.15
3657.61 105.87 12.98

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  2. 2 In a 9x13 inch baking pan, mix Rice, fruit, Onion, Sugar and Salt.
  3. 3 Pour in Water.
  4. 4 Arrange Chicken parts over the Rice mixture.
  5. 5 In a small bowl, mix Butter, Curry powder and Paprika.
  6. 6 Brush Butter mixture over Chicken pieces.
  7. 7 Cover pan tightly with aluminum fOil.
  8. 8 Bake 1 hour in the preheated oven, unTil Chicken juices run clear and Rice is tender.