
Reverse Polygamy

A little boy was attending his first wedding. After the service, his cousin asked him, "How many women can a man marry?""Sixteen," the boy responded.…

He didn't kick too much

A few days ago my daughter, who is expecting her third child, was telling the other two children that this baby is kicking alot. She further…

Aspirin Overdose

Jane calls the doctor in a panic. "Doctor, doctor! My little Jimmy swallowed a dozen aspirin. What should I do?"The doctor asked Jane, "Are you…

Little Bobby

Little Bobby was spending the weekend with his grandmother after a particularly trying week in kindergarten. His grandmother decided to take him to the park on…

Afraid of the Dark

A little boy was afraid of the dark. One night his mother told him to go out to the back porch and bring her the broom.…

The Dalmatian

A nursery school teacher was delivering a station wagon full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat…

Kids In Church

After a church service on Sunday Morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, "Mom, I've decided to become a minister when I grow up."…

A priest at the preschool

A priest was walking along the corridor of the parochial school near the preschool wing when a group of little ones were trotting by on the…

English Essay

Jimmy's English teacher was a perfectionist and demanded the very best of his pupils. So it was only to be expected that he would get furious…

A Second Wife

When our second child was on the way, my wife and I attended a pre-birth class aimed at couples who had already had at least one…

Can I Play with the Boys?

A little girl asked her mother, "Can I go outside and play with the boys?"Her mother replied, "No, you can't play with the boys, they're…

What It Means

Five year old Becky answered the door when the Census taker came by.She told the Census taker that her daddy was a doctor and wasn't…

Who would Know?

The man passed out in a dead faint as he came out of hisfront door onto the porch. Someone called 911.When the paramedics arrived, they…

Noah took unto himself a wife

Ending his sermon, a preacher announced that he would preach on Noah and the Ark on the following Sunday, and gave the scriptural reference for the…

Were You Born In A Barn?

Our son was constantly wandering in and out of the house, leaving the front or back door wide open."Once and for all, will you PLEASE…